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Friday, January 20, 2012

Kadazan Dusun Dictionary

Kadazan Dusun-Malay-English Dictionary
Purchased from The Hongkod Koisaan Office

Kadazan Dusun-Malay-English Dictionary
Purchased from The Hongkod Koisaan Office.

Purchased this Dictionary in 2004.
Though my comprehension of Kadazan/Dusun is fairly good,
I have to admit that I can't speak the language as fluently as a pure Kadazan/Dusun should.
I am one of those that we called "nabati" when speaking the language. That's because,
I only began actively speaking kadazan/dusun during my adult life and at work, for that matter.
Fortunately for me, most of my co-worker were very fluent in speaking the language and
though they're speaking in their own dialect, per se,
most of them were still able to understand each other effortlessly.
From there, as I strived in the acquirement of oral fluency of the language, I also
found myself learning new vocabulary as I goes.
What helped a lot was also,  through listening to kadazan/dusun radio channel, 
a syndication of "Rankaian Biru" through RTM Sabah.